Larry The Computer Guy
Larry The Computer Guy

5307 Carroll Lake Rd
Commerce, MI 48382
Phone: 248.360.8967
Fax: 866.804.3458

We perform on-site repairs, Upgrades and new system installations. We offer name brand products as well as Well-Known & tested Clone products. So many options. CPUs, memory, hard drives, ZIP drives, CD-RW's, sound cards, LAN cards, Video cards, USB, Fire wire, wireless, etc. are available from Thousands of manufacturers, with diverse features and special compatibility constraints. How can the average computer user find the right device with the right features that will work in their system.

We will evaluate your needs and provide you with the best options. We will tell you in laymen's terms about the computers options and solutions that will give you the greatest "bang for the buck". You work hard for your money and we understand how important it is to have the best possible computers with the most reliability for the dollar.

* Not sure what you need?
* Too many choices out there?
* Just don't have the time to compare, evaluate and test?
* Let our experience and knowledge work for you!
* We offer competitive products and services at a reasonable price.
* We offer remote maintenance and repair.
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