Computer Doc Inc
Computer Doc Inc
129 S. Cherry St.
P.O.Box 483
Flushing, MI 48433
Phone: (810)605-5000
Serving Genesee and surounding Counties, MI continuously since 1997, Computer Doc specializes in computer maintenance, repairs and upgrades performed in the comfort of your home or office. We also build custom systems and can upgrade your current system. Call or email today for further information or to set an appointment!
- Computer Repairs
We service your computer; any brand any age, any budget. We are not an authorized service center for all of the national brands and we cant honor their warranties, but we can get you back up and running. We can deal with your computer manufacturer and get replacement parts for almost any pc compatible machine.
- Computer cleaning
Computers are tools, toys for some but tools for most and a good tool needs to be kept clean, we can provide you with instruction on keeping your computer clean, cool and in peak operating condition, or we can come over and do the job for you, either way you can keep your valuable investment free from the damage done by dust and debris
- Printer service
We service most printers we can clean them, order replacement parts, and get them back up and running. While we do service almost all printers we will let you know if we don’t think it would be worthwhile to have us service it as opposed to purchasing a new one. The cost of printers these days is low enough that many times it make more sense to replace than to repair when it comes to inexpensive printers