Gallinger Computer Consulting
Gallinger Computer Consulting

Phone: (231)796-9078

Gallinger Computer Consulting offers a wide range of computer and technology related services. If you have a "high-speed" internet connection, I can even provide remote assistance through the web*.

This effectively opens my services up to the whole world to use, so tell your friends and family - even if they live in another city, state, or even country!!

Below are a few examples of some of the services that are available.

* Residential and Small Business Computer Consulting Services
* In-Home Tutoring, Troubleshooting, and Repair
* Hardware and Software Upgrades
* Printer/Scanner/Digital Camera/etc Setup and Tutoring
* Internet and Email Tutoring
* Virus Removal
* Spyware Removal
* Data Backup
* Data Recovery (depends on circumstances - not always possible)
* Secure Wireless Network Setup
* Web Design and Maintenance
* Web Site Hosting (including email and FTP)
* Pretty Much Anything and Everything Computer Related....

All this, PLUS:

* Flexible Hours by Appointment - I COME TO YOU!! - No hauling your computer
across town!!
* Reasonable Rates Starting at $20/hour
* Senior Citizen and Student Discounts

If you have a computer need that isn't specifically listed here, chances are I can still help. To schedule an appointment, please call (231)796-9078 or send email to

* Obviously, some computer problems can't be fixed through a remote support session and require an on-site visit. I just like to make sure my clients know that it's available as an option - especially if I believe the problem will only require a "quick fix". In some situations, I can have a problem fixed in less time working remotely than it would take to drive to the client's house.

Copyright ©2008 Gallinger Computer Consulting
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